Protecting Older Adults in Pandemic: Nina Kohn Calls for Increased Oversight and Policy Change

Nina Kohn ('03), Professor of Law at Syracuse University College of Law, and a faculty affiliate with the Syracuse University Aging Studies Institute, was featured in numerous publications this month regarding her advocacy for older adults, the pandemic's highest at-risk population. Nina contributed an opinion to The Hill suggesting concrete steps that providers, policymakers, and family members could take to limit the spread of Covid infection in long-term care facilities ("Addressing the Crisis in Long-Term Care Facilities," April 23). "The crisis in long-term care facilities is horrific and is unlikely to get better soon. Although long-term solutions are critical, we must not ignore the concrete steps that could be taken now to save lives and improve the well-being of current residents. Individuals who live in long-term care facilities matter even in times of crisis."

Additional Writing by Nina Kohn:

The Washington Post/syndicated by Newsday
("Pandemic Exposes a Painful Truth: America Doesn't Care About Old People," May 8).

The Hill
("Nursing Homes Need Increased Staffing, Not Legal Immunity," May 23).