Ending Gender Based Violence and Harassment Across Asian Fast Fashion Supply Chains: JJ Rosenbaum Presents Report on the Gendered Impact of COVID-19

JJ Rosenbaum (‘96), Executive Director of Global Labor Justice (GLJ) and member of Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute (SPERI)’s international advisory board, published an article on SPERI’s website commenting on a GLJ Report she edited addressing gender based violence and human rights accountability across garment supply chains during pandemic (“Advancing Gender Justice on Asian Fast Fashion Supply Chains Post-COVID-19: Guidance from ILO’s Convention 190 on Its First Anniversary,” Jun. 18). “[F]ast fashion supply chains have systematically created and benefited from the precarious conditions of supply chain workers. They are responsible for eroding individual and social safety nets, precipitating the humanitarian crisis facing millions of workers in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. … In order to address the gendered labor market, economic, and health inequalities, government and corporate responses to COVID-19 must have a gender lens that interrogates power dynamics, relative access to resources, and examines how power relations are interconnected with gender inequality.”