Claudia Johnson (’97), Program Manager at Pro Bono Net’s LawHelp Interactive, was profiled on the website Law, Technology and Access to Justice discussing her multi-faceted career in public interest law, how she started in San Salvador and landed in tech, and her work expanding a national platform implementing forms and form collections, advancing integration of legal aid and court systems information while improving the way people facing legal problems help themselves (“A Story of Diversity and Documents: Claudia Johnson,” Oct. 14). “I am not a techie but saw the impact of technology in expanding quality and quantity of services with a modern phone system. I believed the same could be done with online forms, and eventually serve millions. . . . [T]echnology can liberate minds and practices. The future should be making justice through collaboration. . . . We need a more diverse workforce in legal services and more attention to diverse client communities, their needs, the barriers they face, and how we respond to that.”