Julie Su in the Running for Biden’s Labor Secretary, Kim West-Faulcon Rallies Behind Her

Julie Su (’94), Secretary for the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency, and Kim West-Faulcon (’96), Professor of Law at Loyola Law School, were featured in Bloomberg Law’s Daily Labor Report regarding President-elect Biden’s consideration of Julie Su for Secretary of Labor (“California’s Su Rises in Biden Labor Chief Race as Unions Split,” Nov. 24). The piece highlighted Julie’s advocacy on behalf of vulnerable workers and her leadership of a complex workforce agency asserting the rights of union and nonunion workers alike: “Her supporters say she’s the most qualified candidate, whose governance of the world’s fifth-largest economy would enable her to immediately pivot to the national stage.” Knowing one another for 25 years, Kim was quoted championing Julie’s advocacy: “I’d be very confident that she’d be willing to serve. Secretary of labor would be the position that she has really spent her entire career preparing for.”