Kara Ingelhart (’15), Staff Attorney at Lambda Legal, and Malita Picasso (’19), current Fellow with the ACLU, celebrated a win as U.S. District Judge Michael H. Watson struck down Ohio’s policy prohibiting transgender residents from correcting the gender marker on their birth certificates. Kara was quoted by CNN, “Accurate birth certificates are essential. They are foundational to our ability to access a variety of benefits such as employment and housing, and to navigate the world freely and safely, as who we truly are.” (“Federal Judge Strikes Down Ohio Policy Prohibiting Transgender People From Correcting Their Birth Certificate,” Dec. 16). Malita noted, “Trans people are the experts on our own genders, lives, and needs. I’m thrilled that the court recognized that policies like Ohio’s, which misgender and endanger us, also violate the constitution. We will keep fighting until we get rid of all discriminatory and burdensome requirements for ID changes around the country.” (“Victory! Federal Court Strikes Down Ohio’s Anti-Transgender Birth Certificate Policy,” Lambda Legal website, Dec. 16).