Michael Zuckerman Sues the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction in Response to COVID Relief Garnishment

Michael Zuckerman (’19), current Fellow with the Ohio Justice & Policy Center, was quoted by ABC News 5 Cleveland regarding the lawsuit he and the Ohio Justice & Policy Center filed, along with the ACLU of Ohio, challenging the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction’s garnishment of incarcerated individuals’ COVID-19 relief money to pay court fees (“ACLU Claims Ohio Prisons Wrongly Diverted Inmates’ Stimulus Payments to Pay Fees, Fines,” Apr. 13). “Incarcerated people and their families are some of the most marginalized, economically precarious people in our society. They are also among the people most directly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is beyond irrational to single them out and take money out of their COVID-19 relief checks, particularly when Ohio’s Attorney General has already recognized that those relief funds are exempt from debt collection for all Ohioans.”