Jonathan Markovitz (’15), Staff Attorney at the ACLU of San Diego and Imperial Counties, published an article on his organization’s website recounting the 21-year effort (and his fellowship’s focus) toppling Project 100% (P100), a program that subjected San Diego County families seeking CalWORKs public assistance to invasive home searches and interrogations (“The Legal Battles against Project 100%,” Dec. 20 ). “The board’s unanimous vote to end P100 was a resounding victory. Of course, the racism, xenophobia, and misogyny that animated P100 are all still with us, and there are many battles yet to be waged. But P100 is now what it always should have been – nothing more than a horrific relic of a bygone era. And our collective fight to end it is a testament to what is possible as we continue to fight for a more fair, just and equitable region.”