Erin Scheick Advocates for Asylum Seekers in Washington, D.C.

Erin Scheick (’08), Managing Attorney of the Domestic Violence Project and Immigrant Justice Project of the Legal Clinic at Bread for the City, was featured in The Washington Post for her work providing legal representation to people seeking asylum, helping them to create stability, secure work authorization and achieve permanent status (“Bread for the City’s Immigration Lawyer Helps Clients Find Stability,” Dec. 13). Addressing the role that immigration status plays in determining in her clients’ overall health, Erin explained, “Part of our view as an organization is to look at societal determinants of health. What are all the factors that lead to healthy outcomes for a family? . . . If folks don’t have lawful status, it can undermine their ability to achieve physical and mental health.” With most of her clients coming from the Northern Triangle of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador), Erin noted, “Almost all have experienced a lot of trauma and violence in their countries of origin. Most have made the really, really difficult decision to leave their family, including children, behind in order to seek some measure of stability or safety.” She concluded, “We’re all human beings, and we all want something similar: to be able to live to our fullest potential — and if we have a family or children, that they’re able to have that too.”