180 FIGs since 2011. 28 Special $10k Covid FIGs April and May 2020. 

180 FIGs Since 2011. 28 Special $10k Covid FIGs in April and May 2020.

In 2011, in an effort to continue to support the work of the Skadden Fellows, we established the Flom Incubator Grants (FIGs), the first legal fund-within-a-fund to specifically solicit ideas from previous grantees. The mission of this innovative program is to award incubator grants of $15,000, to support novel legal projects undertaken by former Skadden Fellows in the public interest. To date, 180 grants have been made. These grants were made possible by a generous testamentary bequest of Mr. Flom, as well as significant donations in Mr. Flom's memory by Skadden partners and others in the community. Additional information about the FIG application process is available to former Fellows inside the password-protected portion of this website.